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  • 研究生课程
  • 教育
  • AP暑期学院
  • 课程信息
  • U.S. 历史
  • 美国历史

    AP 590.103 |在线|格里·黑斯廷斯


    This online course is designed to maximize the learner experience, providing relevant AP content and pedagogy through meaningful engagement – all focused on best practices for preparing AP students for success. As was done the past three years in this four-day online course, every tool available will be used to provide participants with as close to an in-person, hands-on workshop as is possible. 建立在成功的网上 courses offered through 云顶集团 College, this AP U.S. 历史课将提供 participants with an overview of the AP U.S. 历史 course and exam and give them opportunities to analyze and integrate the course’s three major component parts – Topic Specific 学习ing Objectives, Historical 发展s, and AP historical thinking 技能和推理过程. After examining the Curriculum Framework and identifying the characteristics of and the reasons for these three component parts, participants will begin to plan student-centered lessons for some of the key concepts in the Concept 大纲. As they design their lessons, participants will determine the connections between the three main parts of the course, connections that are assessed on every 考试中的问题. Particular emphasis will be placed on daily planning for each of the units—planning which involves chunking content material and creating lessons that cover a great deal of assessable material. Woven throughout the course will be opportunities for participants to take part in high interest, student-centered lessons that were developed to support the new course and engage students. 此外,还有 will be a strong focus on argumentative writing, especially for the Long Essays and 基于文档的问题. The updated scoring tools will be used to evaluate student responses from the 2023-2024 testing to give teachers a better understanding of what students must know and be able to do to be successful in this course. 此外, teachers will discuss and share best practices, practice writing questions based on testing models, evaluate available AP U.S. 历史 resources, and learn more about the online resources that The College Board has provided. 这门课已经设计好了 to provide all teachers with useful activities and strategies and teachers new to AP with an in-depth introduction to AP U.S. 历史. AP教学大纲说明 会提供给新的AP U吗.S. 历史老师. 对教师的指导支持 will continue after the course ends. 研究生学分可用!!




    Geri Hastings has served as a University Supervisor of Social Studies student teachers for the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, a College Board Consultant for AP U.S. 历史 and Pre-AP programs, and a College Board mentor for both AP U.S. 历史 教师和AP大学.S. 历史顾问. A former member of the Committee on State Standards for the American Historical Association, she has presented at many College Board and history-related conferences. Prior to this, Geri taught high school social studies in Baltimore County for 39 years, a career which included teaching AP U.S. 历史 for more than 30 years and serving as Social Studies Department Chairman at 卡顿维尔高中. The National Council for Social Studies named her Outstanding Secondary Social Studies Teacher of the Year for 2003-2004 and the Daughters of the American Revolution named her their Outstanding National U.S. 历史教师 2004-2005年度. Geri教授AP大学课程.S. 历史 Summer Institutes at 云顶集团 College in MD since 1995 and has conducted AP and Pre-AP summer institutes for Texas Christian University, Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, Bellevue, WA School District, the University of Louisville, Montgomery College, MD, Spokane Public Schools (Inland Northwest APSI), the University of the Virgin Islands, St. Croix,哈尔滨,中国,台北, Taiwan, the American School of Doha, Qatar, and New York City Public Schools. 她 也参加了美联社.S. 历史 Reading and has served as a reader, table leader, exam leader, and question leader presenting at many of the reading’s “best 实践”之夜. A member of the steering committee for the AP National Conferences in 2012 and 2013, she served on the Advanced Placement (AP®) U.S. 历史课程 发展 & Assessment Committee (CDAC) and the Advanced Placement (AP®) U.S. 历史 Test 发展 Committee from 2007-2015. 此外, she has created and presented a number of online and face-to-face College Board workshops and programs and has facilitated a number of training workshops for AP U.S. 历史顾问. Geri以优异成绩毕业 以优异成绩获得美国大学学位.S. 来自St的历史. Bonaventure University, Olean, New York, and received a Master's Degree + 60 credits in U.S. 纽约大学历史系毕业. 她 focuses her workshops on student-centered learning and experiential education. 她 believes that students learn more when they are actively involved in teaching 和学习. After highly successful online workshops the past three summers, she is ready to return once again to the online format and make the workshops as hands-on 尽可能.